ELSEVIER: Sharing of scientific research

Elsevier, Dutch publishing house responsible for publishing about 20,000 renowned medical and scientific magazines, among which The LancetJournal of Molecular BiologyCell, certified that 3 articles of which Dr Antonio Carlo Galoforo is co-author have been downloaded 13.475 times between 2019 and 2021.

In particular, “Recovery of Four COVID-19 Patients via Ozonated Autohemotherapy”, of which he is co-author together with Prof. Dong Ming and Cherie S. Tan from Tianjing University (China) among the others, has been downloaded 1.086 times, a testament to how collaboration and result-sharing is important in the world of research. Moreover, it’s a work related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, thereby contributing to face one of the greatest challenges in the medical and scientific world.

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