The potential of oxygen/ozone therapy to treat the Buruli ulcer presented at the 13th World Congress in Dalian (China)

The 13th World Congress on Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells was held on November 1-3, 2019, in Dalian (China). At the event, Dr. Antonio Galoforo talked about the history of ozone and its use in medicine, as well as its determinant role in treating a wide range of pathologies and how it is becoming the medicine of the future. His presentation was a harmonious addition to contributions in the broader field of regenerative medicine and stem cells, as he presented the results of his work using oxygen/ozone therapy to treat Buruli ulcers.

He also underscored the fundamental importance of the ability of our bodies to react to changes in the availability of oxygen. As triatomic oxygen (i.e. a molecule of three oxygen atoms), ozone is ideal for promoting proper cell oxygenation and the regeneration of skin cells, resulting in health and wellness for all those who have been afflicted by this terrible disease, which now has a solution.

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