Regenerating with your own blood, and a precious blend of gases, to prevent aging

The experience in the field of Dr. Antonio Galoforo

Every change of seasons comes with a certain amount of fatigue, but ozone therapy can revitalize the body and improve both endurance and overall mood. The technique is simple, but needs to be done by a doctor, who draws a small amount of blood and mixes it with oxygen and ozone. This regenerated blood is then injected back into the patient, who receives a series of benefits, including greater energy and an anti-aging effect, improved micro-circulation, a better regulated immune system, and a pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory effect.
The technique is called “autohemotherapy”, and Dr. Antonio Carlo Galoforo, a recognized expert in ozone therapy, provides the therapy to his patients to excellent effect. “It is a method of administration that we can add to infiltration, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, and others that are similar to insufflation, all of which are methods the physician recommend based on the severity of the case at hand,” Dr. Galoforo explains.
Autohemotherapy essentially involves drawing a certain quantity of blood (about 150–200 ml in Major Autohemotherapy, or “MAH”, or 5–10 cc for Minor Autohemotherapy, or “MiAHT”) from a vein in the arm and then injecting it back into the patient with an equal quantity of a combination of oxygen and ozone. The procedure needs to be done by a trained physician and takes a total of about 40 minutes. The benefits of this therapy are remarkable, and the technique represents the original method of taking advantage of ozone in medicine.
“In particular, autohemotherapy promotes the oxygenation of the blood, improves the elasticity of the cell wall of red blood cells, and increases their ability to bond with oxygen and distribute it to bodily tissues,” Antonio Carlo Galoforo underscores. “All of this results in improved blood flow and better oxygenation of all bodily tissues, thereby optimizing their overall functioning. Practically speaking, it has a regenerating action that feeds improvements in mood and physical endurance and reduces fatigue.”
Of course, let’s not forget that this precious combination of oxygen and ozone facilitates and induces the release of particular substances in the blood that act as powerful stimulants of the immune system, which helps to better regulate our body’s natural defenses. By boosting our immune systems and revitalizing our body’s tissues, autohemotherapy also has excellent levels of anti-aging benefits.

Dr. Antonio Galoforo sees patients at the Oxygen/Ozone Therapy unit of Medical Services SMAO in Via Arturo Toscanini no. 41, Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN) Italy. Tel. +39.0376.671992.

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